Six Summer Tree Care Tasks

Prepping for Pests & Weather


Summer is usually the time you can take a break from the everyday and enjoy a nice vacation. Before you get comfortable under an umbrella somewhere, make sure your plants are comfy too. Managing tree care in the summer isn’t as involved as the spring or fall seasons, but there are still at least six summer tree care tasks that require your attention. The result is a lovely landscape for relaxing.

Six Summer Tree Care Tasks

Between the hot, stormy weather and the emergence of a variety of bugs, there are many factors affecting your trees this season. A little maintenance can do a lot of good and keep your plants in fighting form. Here are six tasks to get you started.

  1. Watering. Summer is known for being hot and dry which means your trees may be thirsty, especially newly planted ones. Trees typically need about an inch of water a week to quench this thirst. Water deeply and less frequently for better root development.
  2. Mulching. Help maintain moisture around your tree with three to four inches of mulch. Make sure it’s not mounded up against the trunk as this invites disease and pests. Instead, form a donut of organic material around the base of the tree.
  3. Fertilizing. While the right mulch can help maintain soil moisture and nutrients, it may be necessary to provide more especially for trees in high-stress urban areas. These trees don’t get the same among of nutrients as ones in more natural wooded areas. Sufficient nutrition helps support leaf, shoot, and root growth, making the tree stronger and more able to fend off pests and disease.
  4. Pruning. While you should reserve major pruning for the dormant season, go ahead and remove any dead or broken branches now to prevent them from becoming hazards. This is a better idea than letting these weaker limbs fall in a storm or attract disease and pests. You can also prune any trees that have already bloomed in the spring. It’s best to call a pro to prune any tree branches you can’t reach from the ground.
  5. Damage Prevention. Pruning isn’t the only way to help protect your tree and yard from storms. You can be proactive by bracing weaker limbs with specific cabling techniques. If a tree is already leaning or a major limb looks precarious, call an arborist for assistance in stabilizing your tree.
  6. Pest Inspection. Even if you’ve done your best to maintain your trees, pests could still show up on bark or wood. Be on the lookout for any signs of infestation, including damaged leaves, growths, webs, or an increase in pest presence in your yard. Contact a professional pest control company with help in identifying and controlling these issues.

Professional Tree Care

Many of the tasks above may require assistance from a licensed tree care specialist. It’s always a good idea to have a professional assess the situation, especially if the overall health of a tree is in question. Contact Elite Tree Care for a tree care consultation to help ensure your plants are in the best shape for surviving and thriving this summer.

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