When to Wait for Tree Removal

And When Not To


So, you think you have a tree that needs to be removed. But you’re wondering if it can wait? Maybe tree removal isn’t in the budget right now. Or you just planted a pristine garden in its proximity and you don’t want to mess with it. Well, there are certain circumstances when you can wait for tree removal. In fact, there may be a way you can save it from coming down altogether. But there are also times when it should be removed asap. Here are some of those reasons.

When You Can’t Wait For Tree Removal

First, let’s start with the emergencies that can’t wait. Basically, if you have a tree that’s become a hazard and there’s no hope of saving it, it needs to be removed. Some of these situations include:

  1. It’s fallen in the middle of your yard/your neighbor’s yard/the street and causing a commotion.
  2. There are no signs of life. No leaves are growing, branches keep breaking off, and there’s no hope for survival.
  3. It’s being ravaged by wood-loving insects, like carpenter ants or termites, even after multiple pesticide applications.
  4. Disease has severely weakened the trunk and branches, even after multiple fungicide applications.
  5. It’s dangerously close to a structure or utility lines and no amount of pruning will have a positive effect.

If you’re questioning whether your specific situation is a dire one, it’s always a good idea to have a certified arborist evaluate the tree and surroundings. But it comes down to if the tree is more trouble than trying to fix it.

Wait—Try These First

For all a tree does for the environment, it deserves a chance to survive. There are some instances when it can be saved, especially when these methods are easier and less expensive than removal.

  1. Structural damage. If the main branch is broken, a young tree is leaning, or it simply needs some reinforcement while it reestablishes its roots, you have options. Try cable and bracing techniques to stabilize an unsteady tree.
  2. Staking young trees help it start on a straight foot.
  3. Proper pruning can also help rebalance and shape a tree’s structure. Although, any major pruning should wait until the winter/dormant season.
  4. Pests. If you start to see a few wood-eating ants, bees, beetles, or other pests around your tree, call a professional to come help you rid them from your yard.
  5. Disease. Any abnormal growths on the trunk, branches, or leaves can also be evaluated by a professional to determine if the disease is deadly or curable.
  6. Pruning. A few dead or broken branches can always be cut at any time of year. You also want to keep the canopy away from walkways so it’s easy to get from place to place safely.

Why You’d Want to Wait

If you determine you need to remove a tree but it’s okay to wait, here’s what you could benefit from:

  1. Less expensive. Some companies run specials during the dormant season because it’s easier to remove a tree when there are no leaves on it.
  2. Unnecessary extras. Even with deals, removing a tree is expensive. There are even certain extras involved that aren’t usually included in the cost of removal, such as logging and stump removal. If you can wait to do these extras yourself you will also save some money.
  3. Less mess. No leaves make it easier on you and your yard. Plus, when your grass and garden are dormant, large tree-removing machinery does less damage.

Whether you decide to wait or not, you can always call the tree care pros at Elite Tree Care for a consultation to evaluate your current situation. We can help determine if your tree needs pruning, pest or disease control, or if it’s best to have it removed and when the work should commence.

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