Preventative Plant Health Care

What to Look for & What to do

Do you know one of the best ways to keep your plants healthy and thriving? Yes, the basics like light and water are important, but it’s even simpler than that. It’s regular monitoring. That’s right. One of the keys to preventative plant health care is watching your plants and noting any changes. But do you know what to look for?

Monitoring Your Plants

There’s more to monitoring your plants than simply staring at your tree. Here’s what to look for:

  • The number of dead or broken branches
  • Leaf color
  • Root structure
  • Abnormal growths on limbs or trunk
  • Overall shape

Of course, some of these signs are easier to notice at different times of year. For example, now’s the time to look for those broken or diseased branches while there aren’t leaves in the way. Once the leaves grow back, check out their color. Obviously some will change in the fall, but what if they don’t grow back at all? Or fall too early?

Taking a proactive approach to monitoring your trees, shrubs, and plants plays a key role in maintaining their health. Once you notice any signs of distress, you can work to resolve it. Early detection and action can mean the difference between a light pruning or total tree removal.

Do you know one of the best ways to resolve a problem you find? Contact a professional. There are many reasons why a tree or plant may not look normal. Luckily you don’t need to memorize them all. There are already professionals trained in diagnosing and treating a wide range of plant issues. Sometimes the best-informed decision you can make is to know which professional to call.

Preventative Plant Health Care Professional

If you notice a bunch of broken tree limbs, a strange growth on the bark, or that the leaves grow back misshapen and discolored, it could be any number of problems. From pests and disease to environmental changes and stress, plants are susceptible to a wide range of ailments. The one common thread is that there are professional plant health care companies who can help.

A local company is knowledgeable about what conditions affect native plants and what to do about it. Sometimes it’s a quick fix, like pruning or watering. Sometimes it’s a more integrated treatment such as reconditioning the soil or applying several rounds of herbicides. Whatever the case may be, a professional is able to properly evaluate the situation, diagnose the condition, and work with you to create a treatment plan to help get your plant back on track and keep it thriving.

So after your conscious monitoring results in questions about your plant’s current condition, contact Elite Tree Care for a consultation. Once you have a customized plan for your plants, you can continue doing your part watching out for their well-being.