Prevent and Treat Tree Mites

So the Smallest Pests Don’t Become Your Biggest Problem


You may not be able to see them, but you’ll see what mites can do to your plants. Learn how to properly prevent and treat tree mites and you’ll start to see improvement in your garden.

What are Tree Mites

Mites are minuscule members of the arachnid family, that have a mighty big appetite for your plants. These tiny pests thrive in hot, dry conditions and feed on shrubs, trees, and even indoor greenery. Some of the most common types of mites include spider, spruce, two-spotted, and European red.

Signs and Symptoms of Mites

Being so small, you’re more likely to see the damage they do before you realize there’s an infestation. Here are some of the signs:

  • Curled yellow or brown wilted leaves
  • Speckled foliage
  • Leaf drop
  • Tiny web-like structures
  • Discolored needles on conifers like pine, spruce, and hemlock
  • Needle loss

If you think you have a mite problem, there’s a trick to help make sure. Shake a branch or some leaves over a white sheet of paper. If any dark specks fall off and start moving around, chances are you’ve got mites.

Tree Mite Prevention

Catching mites before they do too much damage is obviously preferred. The best way to prevent an infestation is proper tree maintenance. Mites love to take advantage of weaker plants, so healthy trees that are well watered, fed, and pruned can better withstand pests.

Treat Tree Mites

If you do end up with a mite problem, here are some ways to deal:

  1. Prune infected branches. Cut past any webbing or plant damage. Dispose of the branch to help keep mites from spreading.
  2. Spray plants to wash off the mites—especially under the leaves.
  3. Keep the trees well-watered.
  4. Spot treat the trees with insecticidal soap.
  5. Release predators, like ladybugs, pirate bugs, and lacewing larvae.

Bring in some help. Contact Elite Tree Care to check plants for more signs of mites and determine the best course of action.