Pruning Branches Over Roofs

Some Do’s and Don’ts


There are many things to love about trees. Their beautiful shape, budding spring blooms, welcomed summer shade, and vibrant fall colors just to name a few. One thing not to love is large, looming branches over roofs. Learn how to deal with this potential hazard while preserving what you love about trees.

Why Hanging Branches are Hazards

Technically, all branches hang from trees. It’s not until these branches break or touch other structures that they become a problem. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Even the slightest wind causes branches to scrape roof shingles and strip off the asphalt.
  • Falling leaves collect in gutters, clogging drains and causing mold and leaks.
  • Insects and rodents use branches as bridges into your home through any cracks or openings.
  • Large branches that break off from disease or storms cause more damage to your roof, siding, or windows.

It doesn’t even need to be your tree for this to happen. If your houses are close enough, a neighbor’s tree is also a potential threat to your property. Talk to your neighbor about the best pruning solution that benefits everyone.

Pruning Branches Over Roofs

Pruning any tree branch takes care and consideration. Making the wrong cut could hurt both you and the tree. The safety stakes are higher when the branch is over a structure and too high to reach without a ladder.

The best way to prune a tree over your house is to call a certified arborist who has insurance. They have the equipment, know-how, and required protection to do the job right. If anything does go wrong, repair costs are usually covered, so be sure to iron out all the details before any work is done.

Contact Elite Tree Care for more information on tree pruning and to discuss any problem branches on your property.

Tree Pruning Guide

Download Your FREE Tree Pruning Guide

Learn how, when, and how much to trim or prune your trees to maximize their health and beauty. This guide covers the factors that go into tree trimming (pruning) and will help you make a more informed decision about hiring a professional tree service.