A Guide to Celebrating Earth Day

In Your Backyard

Have any plans for April 22nd? How about doing a little something for the planet. Here are some backyard Earth Day celebration ideas to get you started. Some of these suggestions may seem like a small change, but they can make a big difference in the future.

Backyard Earth Day Celebration Ideas

Earth Day is a time to focus on trying to improve the environment. While it may not happen overnight, small improvements make a big difference over time. Here are some ways you can make a difference in your own backyard. 

  1. Plant a tree. This is one of the more popular Earth Day activities. However, it still takes some planning and effort to properly plant a tree and help ensure it thrives.
  2. Conserve water. This goes for inside and outside of the house. Use a rain barrel to collect water for your garden. Make the most of this water by distributing it during the coolest part of the day so more is absorbed into the soil instead of evaporated into the air.
  3. Start a compost pile. Turn food waste into a plant feast. Certain scraps do more good in your garden than in a landfill.
  4. Switch your mower. Gas-powered lawn mowers not only cost more to fill and maintain, but they also emit toxic gasses into the air. Look into alternatives to help save the environment while saving you money.
  5. Rethink your grass. Why not skip the mowing altogether! Consider alternative ground covers, a natural meadow, or adding pavers to help reduce the amount of grass you have to maintain. Not only does this save you time and money, but it also limits the use of water, mowing, and chemicals for weeding and feeding.
  6. Donate garden crops. How many of those veggies do you think you’re going to eat? Look into signing up for a community organization that collects fresh produce or join a community garden to share what’s grown. There are also programs that offer seasonal produce from local farmers for a reduced rate.

Hopefully Earth Day inspires you to take some action today and continue practicing these suggestions for a greener future. 

Tree Planting Guide

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