Summer Tree Care Tips

Strengthening Your Plants this Season


Now that it’s (unofficially) summer, you’ll want to start thinking about how to prep your plants for the harsh seasonal conditions. Blazing sun, blistering heat, and potential drought all have a negative impact on your plants. Here are some summer tree care tips to help get through the season.

Summer Tree Care Tips

Summer is typically the time to relax on vacation and take it easy in the heat. While it’s easy for people to escape the harsh conditions, it’s harder for the plants rooted to the outdoors. But there are some things you can do to help your plants prosper instead of perish.

  • Irrigation. Water is typically sparse during the hotter months. While there may be the occasional summer downpour, regular watering is more beneficial for plants, especially newly planted trees. If you don’t have an irrigation or sprinkler system set up, consider deeply watering your plants on a regular basis. If you find the leaves are changing color, wilting, and dropping prematurely, it may need water. Check the soil. If it’s dry three inches down, it definitely needs water. Deeply drench the soil to help promote root growth. This enables plants to pull from underground sources more readily.
  • Mulching. The best time to mulch is in the spring, but it’s better late than never if you have to wait until summer. A layer of mulch helps retain that much needed water. It also limits weeds and helps to regulate soil temperature.
  • Pruning. While it’s not the ideal time to prune plants and trees, it’s always a good idea to take off the dead and diseased parts. This also redistributes energy to healthier sections, limiting the stress of trying to repair any damage.
  • Fertilize. A healthy tree is strong enough to survive the harsh weather and ward off pests and disease. Fertilizing feeds the plant, strengthening its vitality.

Seasonal Inspections

Even after you’ve checked off all the tips from this list, you still want to check in with your tree throughout the season. Here are a few things to watch for:

  • Disease. Pay attention to any fallen leaves or branches. Any sign of discoloration could mean a disease and should be checked to help prevent spread.
  • Pests. All kinds of insects are out and about this time of year. Help protect your tree by eradicating any pest problem promptly.
  • Damage. Storms, pests, and other wildlife can cause damage to your trees throughout the summer. Be on the lookout for broken branches, torn bark, or gaping holes.

For help inspecting your tree this summer or properly fixing any issues you may find, contact the specialists at Elite Tree Care for a consultation. Expert care is a good idea any time of year and especially helpful during a stressful season.