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Tree Doctor

Is There a Tree Doctor in the House?

When to Call for Professional Help

Consulting with a tree doctor is also a wonderful way to start preventative plant care. Don’t know who to call? Here are some suggestions. Read more

Stop Pruning Trees

When to Stop Pruning Trees

Put Down the Pruners, No One Gets Hurt

How often do you prune your trees? Sometimes it may need a branch or two removed. Other times it may need some major shaping. But you never want to get too carried away. Here are some tips on when to stop pruning trees and the best time to do the work. Read more

Tree Removal Timetable Estimate

Estimating a Tree Removal Timetable

When’s a Good Time to do it Right

Is it ever the right time to cut down a tree? Yes. When it's dead and weak beyond repair, it's best to put it out of its misery and put your property out of danger. It's always a good time to prevent hazards. Here's how a tree removal timetable estimate can help with the process. Read more

Estimating Tree Removal Cost

Estimating Tree Removal Cost

And the Contributing Factors

Tree removal is not an easy task. Depending on what needs to be done, the price for professional removal could range from the hundreds to thousands of dollars. Some may think DIY tree removal would cost less, but then they end up paying much more in repairs (or hospital bills). This is why removing a tree should be absolutely necessary. If there are no other options, here are some factors to consider when estimating tree removal cost. Read more

Summer Tree Pruning Tips

Summer Tree Pruning Tips

Take it Easy this Season

With summer fast approaching, it may be time to start thinking about trimming some extra pounds from your tree. Here are some summer tree pruning tips to help get you started. Read more